We offer SMS & Email marketing in UAE for individuals, executives, financial institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Our service offers an effective avenue for marketing through direction communication with customers, suppliers, bosses, colleagues, sales reps, dispatch units and even friends.

We provide SMS advertising for Dubai SMEs and larger companies to provide a boost in customer relationship management and promotion of products and services. Our clients include event organisers, hotels, product distributors, FMCG, travel agencies, insurance firms, courier services, direct marketing companies and more.

  • Directly connect with thousands of potential customers
  • Broadcast your message to anyone, anywhere and anytime
  • Send real-time, updated messages
  • Get through mobile phones even when offline
  • Supported by all GSM handsets
  • Non-invasive
  • Viral by nature
  • Can transmit binary data including images, ring tones and more
  • Quick, easy and low cost method for realising various objectives
  • SMS marketing targeted straight to consumers in Dubai and UAE